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2025 Asia-Pacific Children And Youth String Competition

報名及作品遞交截止Deadline: 07 Mar 2025

結果公佈 Results Announcement:14 Mar 2025


​​比賽項目 Category

  • 小提琴 Violin

  • 中提琴 Viola

  • 大提琴 Cello

  • 低音提琴 Double Bass

  • 豎琴 Harp

  • 吉他 Guitar

  • 烏克麗麗 Ukulele

  • 二胡 Erhu

  • 大正琴Taishogoto

  • ​​​其它弦樂器 Other String Instruments

** 如參加多個項目,需分開提交報名申請。 Please submit separate registration applications if participate in multiple competitions.

比賽組別 Competition Divisions

幼兒組(6歲或以下)Preschool Group (6 years old and below)
初小組(小1至小3)Junior Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
高小組(小4至小6)Senior Primary (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
初中組(中1至中3)Junior Secondary (Grade 7 to Grade 9)
高中組(中4至中6)Senior Secondary (Grade 10 to Grade 12)
公開組(18歲或以上)Open Group (18 years old and above)

比賽形式 Competition Format

網站上傳影片參賽。Online competition through video recordings, contestants need to upload the video file.

作品要求 Requirements 

1.比賽形式: 個人演奏。

2.比賽曲目:自選。 可有背景音樂或使用樂器伴奏。可選擇背譜或看譜演奏。


1.Competition Format: Solo performance

2.Performance Piece: Self-selected. Background music or instrumental accompaniment is allowed. Participants may choose to perform from memory or with sheet music.

3.Duration: Within 5 minutes

4.The recorded segment must clearly capture the participant's appearance and hand movements during the performance. The video must feature the participant themselves, and the piece must be independently completed by the participant.

5.The video must be a continuous recording with live audio and should not be edited, enhanced with effects, or subjected to any post-production. Any video that does not meet the specifications or is unrelated to the competition will be disqualified.

報名登記表 Registration Form

** 完成作品后點擊以下鏈接上傳作品,每人每項目限提交一幅作品。假若無法成功遞交或團體批量提交,請聯係工作人員。Please upload your entry through below link. Each participant/Category may only submit one entry. If you are unable to submit successfully or need to submit in bulk for a group, please contact the staff.

** 學校或機構報名請下載及填寫《團體表格》並發送至 For school or organization registration, please download and fill out the Group Form and send it to:​Email: 

獎項訂製費用 Award Customization Fees 得獎者可申請訂製印有參賽者名稱的獎項。 1.電子證書 HKD $280 2.實體證書 HKD $300 3.實體證書+獎盃 HKD $350 4.電子證書+實體證書+獎盃 HKD $370 #已訂製的獎項會在截止訂製日期後兩個月內寄出。運費到付。 Winners can apply to customize awards with the participant's name. Electronic Certificate: HKD $280 Physical Certificate: HKD $300 Physical Certificate + Trophy: HKD $350 Electronic Certificate + Physical Certificate + Trophy: HKD $370 Customized awards will be mailed within two months after the customization deadline. Shipping fees are to be paid upon delivery.

領取禮品/奬項細則 Award Collection Terms and Conditions 1、比賽得獎結果將以電郵,並於此網站上刊登; 2、訂製獎項將於訂製截止後兩個月內派發; 3、奬項及證書運費到付寄送; 4、所有比賽獎項一經簽收或領取,如有任何損壞或遺失,將不獲補發; 5、如因填寫資料有誤或無法順利聯繫,以致包裹無法投遞,主辦方概不負責。 Competition results will be announced via email and posted on this website. Customized awards will be distributed within two months after the Customization deadline. Awards and certificates shipping fees to be paid upon delivery. Once signed for or collected, no replacements will be issued for any damaged or lost awards or certificates. The organizers will not be responsible for undelivered packages due to incorrect information or inability to contact the recipient.

其他條款 Other Terms and Conditions 1.請在提交前核實資料準確性,表格一經提交,每更改一個項目須繳付港幣$50行政費 2.參賽者嚴禁虛報年齡,倘發現參賽者之報名資格與真實年齡及參賽組別不相符,主辦單位和評審委員有權取消該參賽者相關項目的參賽資格。 3.參賽者(包括未成年參賽者的父母和老師)須明瞭和同意本次比賽的規則和章程。參賽者如有違反任何比賽規則,主辦單位和評審委員會有權取消其參賽資格。 4.參賽作品必須為原創,及不會侵犯第三者的權利(包括知識產權、保密權或私隱權)。參賽者需明白所提交參賽作品如有侵犯知識產權,而導致任何相關法律行動、索償及支出參賽者須負全責。 5.一經報名參加是次比賽,即表示參賽者已同意並授權本會保留及使用參賽者比賽中之照片及錄像作教育及宣傳用途,包括本會的所有出版刊物、本會網站及社交網站;和於本會刊物,包括本會網站及社交網站,刊登及公佈得獎者的姓名及有關資料。凡繳交作品參與比賽者,即代表同意遵守活動規則及同意本會依法蒐集、處理其個人資料。 6.本會保留對比賽總規和章程的最終解釋權。保留更改以上所有條款內容及詮釋比賽規則之權利而無須另行通知。所有獎項將由主辦機構評判之評審決定為最終依歸,若有任何有關本活動的爭議發生,任何人士均不得異議。 Please verify the accuracy of your information before submission. Once the form is submitted, a fee of HKD $50 will be charged for each change made. Participants are strictly prohibited from misrepresenting their age. If it is found that a participant’s registration eligibility does not match their actual age or competition division, the organizers and judges reserve the right to disqualify that participant from relevant entries. Participants (including parents and teachers of minor participants) must understand and agree to the rules and regulations of the competition. If a participant violates any competition rules, the organizers and judging committee have the right to disqualify them. All submitted works must be original and must not infringe on the rights of third parties (including intellectual property rights, confidentiality rights, or privacy rights). Participants understand that they are fully responsible for any legal actions, claims, or expenses resulting from infringements of intellectual property rights related to their submitted works. By registering for this competition, participants agree and authorize the association to retain and use photos and videos of participants for educational and promotional purposes, including all publications, the association’s website, and social media. The names and relevant information of winners may also be published in association publications, including the website and social media. By submitting works for the competition, participants agree to comply with the event rules and consent to the lawful collection and processing of their personal data by the association. The association reserves the final interpretation rights of the competition rules and regulations. It retains the right to change any of the above terms and conditions and interpret the competition rules without prior notice. All awards will be determined by the judges appointed by the organizing body, and any disputes related to this event may not be contested by any party.

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