參賽流程及付費Registration Process and Payment
Select Competition
個人或機構填寫參賽表格報名後,賽委會將會透過電郵/流動通信聯絡。Individuals or organizations must fill out the registration form. registration confirmation will be sent to your email
Submit Entry
參賽者需於截止日期前在網站上傳參賽作品。Participant must upload the competition entry on the website before deadline.
Custom Awards and Payment
獲獎參賽者和機構將獲得電郵及流動通信方式通知The Winners Will Be Notified By Email.
如需訂製電子證書/實體證書/獎盃需填寫獎項訂製表格及付款。** 費用不包含運費(運費到付)。付款後請發送付款憑證至:
For customize certificate or trophy, Please fill the customization form and make the payment (** payment not include courier fee) AND please send the payment receipt to:
WhatsApp: +852-65459186 or WeChat: APCYTA or email: info@apcyta.com
請確保製作資料填寫準確無誤。表格一經提交,每更改一個項目須繳付港幣$50行政費。Please ensure the information provided for customization is accurate. Once the form is submitted, a HKD $50 administrative fee will be charged for each item changed.
付款注意事項 Payment Notes
東亞銀行有限公司 The Bank of East Asia, Limited
- 新加坡/馬來西亞地區建議使用信用卡 Singapore/Malaysia region, it is recommended to use a credit card.
- 台灣地區由於外匯管制,匯款注意銀行會收取較高手續費,推薦使用信用卡或其他支付方式;Taiwan region due to foreign exchange controls the banks will charge higher handling fees for remittances. It is recommended to use a credit card.
- 中國内地地區需要申請外匯轉換, 建議使用信用卡或微信支付寶支付;Mainland China region as foreign exchange conversion It is advisable to use a credit card or WeChat/Alipay for payment.
- 香港地區推薦使用轉數快FPS。 Hong Kong region FPS is recommended.
請務必核對協會中英文名為正確方進行付款。Please ensure that the association’s name in both Chinese and English is correct before making the payment
- 信用卡/Apple Pay系統收取3%銀行手續費。A 3% bank handling fee will be charged for credit card/Apple Pay transactions
- 請在提交前核實訂製資料準確性(中英文姓名,收件人,收件地址,電話等資料),訂製表格一經提交,每更改一個項目須繳付港幣$50行政費。Please verify the accuracy of the customization details (Chinese and English names, recipient, shipping address, phone number, etc.) before submission. Once the customization form is submitted, a HKD $50 administrative fee will be charged for each change.
- 費用不含運費。運費由順豐速運收取(運費到付形式)。The cost does not include shipping fees. Shipping fees will be collected by SF Express (to be paid upon delivery).
付款後請發送付款憑證至Please send the payment receipt to
Whatsapp: 852-65459186 or Wechat : APCYTA or email : info@apcyta.com